Take Our Challenge! It's Easy as 1,2,3

Gil and Suzie Hibbert


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When Should I Start the Challenge?

Today. Many people make the mistake of waiting until they run out of their current food before they use the sample but it’s best to have plenty of your old food on hand so you can make a gradual switch.

How Does Life's Abundance Compare?

Life’s Abundance Benefits

  • Never been recalled
  • No by-products
  • No artificial preservatives
  • No GMO’s
  • No Corn, Wheat, or Glutens
  • Guaranteed Probiotics
  • Guaranteed vitamins A,C, and E
  • Guaranteed Omega’s
  • Advanced Gut Health System
Is a Taste Test The Best Way to Judge a Food?

No. Although we Challenge you to do this with Life’s Abundance, it’s not the best way of determining a good food. Remember, most pets will eat sticks, grass, and even their own waste! This is why we encourage you to do your homework on what you purchase.

My Pet Loved it. What Should I Do Now?

Use the remainder of your Life’s Abundance sample and start making a gradual switch away from your pet’s old food. Place an order for Life’s Abundance so you can make a full transition. Don’t worry about finishing your old food. Your pet’s health and happiness are worth the switch.

What If My Pet Won't Eat It?

Most pets instantly love the flavor and meatiness of our foods, but if your pet doesn’t respond quite as fast, we recommend giving it another try later. Some pets don’t respond quickly to change. But remember, you’re the parent. Sometimes mom and dad know best!

How Do I Order a Full Bag?

We’ve made ordering super simple. Either get back to the person who shared the sample with you, or click the Order Button to place your order online.

Why Do Some Pets Have Runny Stools After Switching?

This is usually caused by changing foods too quickly. The fiber source of Life’s Abundance may be different from your old food. For this reason we recommend a gradual switch to Life’s Abundance over a period of 5 days.

What Other Products Do You Have?

Life’s Abundance offers a variety of food, treats, supplements, and pet care products. Just browse the website or ask your sales rep for a catalog. It’s a great idea to compliment our food with our healthful treats.

Does Life's Abundance Cost More?

No. Life’s Abundance costs about  $2.50 per lb for dogs and about $3.70 per lb for cats, depending on the bag size. Pet Store brands usually cost more than that. Grocery store brands may cost less, but contain fillers causing you to feed twice as much.

Take a look at our Cost Calculator to see the actual cost. In most cases, it’s less than a cup of coffee.

How Much Is Shipping?

Amazingly cheap. We can ship almost any size order for $8.85 and have it to most homes within 2 business days. Go ahead, fill your shopping cart with everything you need and see for yourself.

Do You Love Pets As Much We Do?

Help pets and earn extra income

We’d love to have you as part of the family. People from all walks of life are joining our mission to helps pets live longer, healthier, happier lives.

It’s simple, just let others know about a better alternative for their pets, and invite them to take the Healthy Pet Challenge. It’s that easy!

By promoting the Healthy Pet Challenge, not only will you be helping pets, you’ll have the opportunity to earn extra income at the same time.

If you’d like to learn more just contact me or click the link to join our family now.

YES, I Would Like A Sample for My Pet

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Keep Your Pet Safe With FREE Recall Alerts

Our team is diligently tracking all pet food and treat recalls whenever they occur.

If you’re concerned about your pet’s safety, subscribe to our mailing list and consider switching your pet to Life’s Abundance today.


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